* This current series of creativity is a show titled "Born Again". View artist statement by clicking -BORN AGAIN

Womb Of The World
Great Mother Creator is trying to tell you something
are you listening…
to the pulse of life
pulsing- melting- into the Womb Of The World
dissolving into all things larger
Dear one,
- meet me there
- gather whole
- rest in
- become One
for this Divine Union was made in Heaven.
April 2024
God of Love
God of Love
The Great Weaver
speaking in tongues
weaves hearts
Soul woven together
close…circle in…even closer
unite as one
to tease tear pull a part
“Death in service of life.”
over and over and over again
For LOVE is the
Appreciation of Difference
- Jan 2024
The Great Surrender
been falling
fallen to thy knees
drop weapons my love
blood be shed
bowing Warrior (Wo)man
Bow On Down
dear Lord please show the way
offer over freely give all to thee
an evening of sacrifice
light of deliverance
Salvation by the Grace of God
Into a sweet surrender
Surrender-(ing) to “Thy Will”
Nov 2021-March 2024
quiet rumble roar turns
bare naked bloom
from something into everything
WE are called
Do you hear thy name
from far off shores
turning towards Truth
shape shifters shifting
way-finders finding
the forever ever
into the whole of more and what it is to
- March 2023
Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven
Run towards God
Angels bestow the way
no beginning there is no end
for the journey is not always straightforward
Mighty I AM- Great YOU are
my beloved,
trust forces of unseen powers at play
as you become woven into
an everlasting never ending
Living Union
of eternal LOVE.
July 2024
Sacred Jewels
The Sacred Union of US
brought to gather weaving webs of wisdom
woven as One
Remembering who (WE) are
Together walking the way
to BE the way.
Birth- Life- Death
Masculine- Feminine- Union
Outer- Inner- Secret
Heaven- Earth- Human
Love- Serve- Surrender
Buddha- Dharma- Sangha
Father- Son- Holy Spirit
Mind- Body- Soul
Maiden- Mother- Crone
Create- Sustain- Destroy
my child,
taste the Great Mothers embrace
for her nectar nourishes
she says,
lean back- fall into my arms- rest in me
held by all things larger
July 2024
Know- (ing)
deep in down under beneath
opening to wide vast dimensions and beyond
You Know.
as Truth emerges
as Wisdom
bubbles to the surface.
my beloved
for these things take time
there is
beauty in process
beauty in unfolding.
- July 2023
a void
which all things arise
The Great Mystery
of life larger than Life
Tis’ a labor of Love
Birthing unseen to be seen
Emerging clear eyes see
something soon to be known
of YOU
My dear,
who is the one you are becoming
for everything is waiting.
- June 2022/2023
city of jewels
Hold all things beauty
burn-blaze heart-o-fire
burst into an
eruption of tears
liberating a flood of
set free
a salvation that frees
a freeing of Freedom be
- October 2023
Turn nothing away
for here all is
Ode’ to these Holy lands
Spirits on earth
Guardians of trees
Angels among heavens
Keeper to the Sacred
Activators of Light
Protectors in the night
guiding the way
“The Way Knows The Way”
- May 2023
Holy Wars
Mind spinning stories speaking lies
telling body talking words twisting truths
great crusades and heavenly holy wars
meeting of the lost secret selves behind Self
sacred encounters with dragon demons for whom to wrestle
battles of Spirit of Soul
bring me fall down falling fallen to thy knees
revelations of the heart
cry crying out cry cry
let me let you go
2016- March 202
Once upon a story
in faraway lands
all knotted wound twisted tied tangled up tight
a tender tease began
teasing a part
the tangles and layers of many selves
shed stories
shed skins
A shedding of Self
the great unravel
became a great awakening
Patience my friend- Patience
for Aliveness lives in the Unknown
- Nov 2022- 2024
Waves Of Change
at the waters edge
tides shift crash into
Waves Of Change
roll in rising up
flow through swept away
what was is no more
on shores
floods of
A coming to
- January 2023
Walk by Faith
Desires of Heart
open to the Will of Heaven
take your light inside
Hand of God illuminates
A perfect timing
A perfect plan
for all things all life.
May you release into Great Divine Guidance
My love,
Trust the Call- walk by Faith
Follow the lead.
March 2024
Bow and Bless
this Sacred
precious life that
shatters us Whole.
The Mighty all Holy Grail
guides a crossing over
beyond boundaries of unknown
into new ways of being
Wake up my Love…Wake Up
one step— One—one step more
living open into the aliveness of
August 2023- March 2024
Divine Truths
A door of Everything
prayer illuminates the way
come come walk side by side
into the Kingdom of Heaven
where all awaits.
The precious jewel
beckons thy name
lure me in
across life’s secret stepping stones
into the endless- never ending-
everlasting infinite ocean of LOVE
Listen dear one…Follow the Call.
Feb 2024
Earth Speak
Roots reach
spread wide
burst magnetic sparks of life
rising up to be risen
earth join body meet heart touch heavens
To Become
the emergence of
soon to
a Becoming of
- April 2023
before and after
the life that was
is no longer
a death of endings
an emergence of you
larger than YOU
July 2024
Sacred circles of life
woven into
cycles of change
Embrace of Great Divine Mother
Holy one,
Remember who You are
Already Whole
August 2024 12x12 mixed media on canvas wood frame
hazy dayz
break-through cloud
breaking free
Holy Heavens
broken wide open
old lives Dream
new beginnings.
precious one,
May you allow change to change you
steps you take- walks you walk
one by one by one
Stepping along a way
The Way HOME
- April 2023
Stairway to Heaven
Heart of Devotion
beat beat beating
currents of breath
flowing through rivers of Life
touch spaces in between
places of
what was is
no longer
not yet
still to Become
the emergence of Something
soon to be known
- January 2024